Women's Co-op

Women's Co-op

Create space for women to work. Artists, therapists and more.


Great idea!!!

Would be awesome if it also had a shared meeting space for the women as well as non profits and groups/orgs. We need more spaces like that in this community.

Would benefit from being a non profit to keep costs low or maybe there would be a partner organization to serve as the fiscal sponsor?

Yes - I wonder if you could connect with one of the local art spaces downtown or the art space on Market Street? Maybe there could be specific days for women only classes centered around women's topics (parenting, relationships, social justice issues, etc.) https://www.artpoponmarket.com/

Are there other "maker" spaces in La Crosse that could provide an initial space for meeting for little to no cost? Then any funds raised could be used to provide supplies. This one may also be worth bringing to the city to help them understand that more spaces like these are needed here.

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