Reducing 'Emissions' at Seaford Allotment ?

Reducing 'Emissions' at Seaford Allotment ?

There are 120 plots on the Allotment, roughly two thirds are shared making a minimum of 200 plots and at least 200 Allotmenteers. We could become greener by reducing our waste by the introduction of a Composter Loo ! We currently have a Porta Loo which is very convenient but requires regular maintenance and on going costs. A Composter Loo is maintenance free, environmentally friendly, sturdy, unobtrusive, and reduces the traffic to the site as the horrors of emptying are not required.


Allotments are popular as people increasingly want to grow their own produce. Seaford Allotment has a waiting list. Its hardwork but fun and successes are prized. The greatest competitors being the weeds. There are an increasing number of families with small children on the site, a facility of a toilet seems comical, but is essential. In promoting an enviromentally friendly 'leisure activity' a Composter Loo would complement this ethos and literally reduce this carbon footprint to zero.

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