This is the title of an idea which I am proposing

This is the title of an idea which I am proposing

And this is its description which is max 500 characters, for skimmability and clarity. There is no HTML code allowed in here because of many reasons, we should look into other ways of formatting different text bits. We will need to change this Description somehow, both in terms of being crowd-editable as well as more flexible.


The default setting is that you have to add a Point for an idea that you're proposing. This is to try to ensure that you have a clear idea as well as being a way to force users to give more info on their idea to those that view it, this function can be turned off. This is also max 500 characters and I'm not sure if it's possible to change this in Group or Community Settings. There is a lot there and I reccommend taking a look.

I can't think of anything negative so this is placeholder text to have at least one point against 👀

If you don't add an image your idea will get a default image and will look less appealing.

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