Strengthen the Office of the Ombudsman

Strengthen the Office of the Ombudsman

Strengthen the Office of the Ombudsman and respect the Ombudsman’s recommendations, providing an explanation to Parliament in cases where this is not possible.


L-Ombudsman qabel ma johrog ir-rakkomanazzjonijiet tieghu, nissugerixxi li jiltaqa' ma min ikun fetah il-kaz. Ghalkemm l-investigatur, jinvestiga, hemm nuqqasijiet ta' kjarifiki minn xi dipartimenti koncernati. Persuna ghandu jkollha cans tikkumenta, u jekk hemm xi haga li mhix korretta fir-rapport, tinghata c-cans tiddiskuti. Specjalment meta tkun certa li entita' ma kienetx korretta fl-informazzjoni li inghata l-Ombudsman.

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