Aktar Attenzjoni u support lil Volontiera tad-DPC

Aktar Attenzjoni u support lil Volontiera tad-DPC

Inhoss li il-Voluntiera tal-Protezzjoni Civili ghandhom ikollom iktar attenzjoni u il gid maghhom ghandu jikber iktar. Hemm nies bi passjoni kbira u lealta kbira lejn dan ix-xoghol u sfortunatament dawn twarrbu ghax jista jkun indahhlet il politika fin nofs. Izda nahseb li il Gid fid-DPC ghandu ikompli jikber u jitjieb.


Because we need to encourage more people to appreciate and care more about our community

Because the Protection of the country and its citizens it not a matter of politics and people working in it should be chosen based on ability not connections.

Inkomplu inkabbru il-ġid u inżidu fuq it-tajjeb li diga sar.

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