Quad bike rates on Gozo Channel/Priority lane/License

Quad bike rates on Gozo Channel/Priority lane/License

1 - Currently, Quad bike riders pay an unfair price of 15.70 Euro for a round trip to Gozo (Same price as a car) and are being forced to park with motorcycles. The current labour government was already approached with a petition and nothing was done about it. 2 - Quad bike riders do not have access to the priority lane. This would help to reduce the congestion of traffic. 3 - The license for a quad bike is the same price as a car, and this does not make any sense.


Link to petition: https://www.change.org/p/review-quadbike-fares-on-gozo-channel-half-the-size-of-a-car-half-the-price-of-a-ticket-priority-lane

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