F'kemmuna ovvjament fis-sajf hemm problema fejn hafna yachts u dghajjes jidhlu jankraw kwazi sa l-art specjalment fil-bajja ta santa marija. Ghandu jkun hemm distanza itwal sa fejn wihed jista jankra, wara kollox hafna min nies jibqghu fuq id dghajsa. Nahseb li ghandu jkun hemm sistema fejn certu ammont ta nies biss jistghu jitilghu fuq l-art ta Kemmuna kuljum. Hemm bzonn li din il Gzira tinzamm kemm jista jkun fl-istat naturali taghha.
Naqbel 100%
Because unfortunately we have only one Comino and it should be enjoyed by everyone as it has always been . We all should look after the island and preserve it but also enjoy it boat owner or not !!
I did not say it shouldn't be enjoyed by everyone. But there is a limit. In Santa Maria Bay sometimes there isn't even space for swimmers because of the boats and in blue lagoon in some days there isn't place to sunbathe. We all need to enjoy it but I believe there should be restrictions with all the tourists in summer.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation