Infurzar serju tal-Environmental Management Construction Site Regulations (2007). L-għeluq immedjat ta' sit tal-kostruzzjoni li jikser waħda minn dawn ir-regolamenti. Il-kostruzzjoni tkompli biss wara l-ħlas ta' multa u preżentazzjoni ta' rapport li juri l-miżuri korrettivi li se jittieħdu. #ArjaNadifa #AnqasAsthma #AnqasStorbju
about time... more care towards the environment and citizens is needed. this i don't care attitude needs to stop
I am not against construction, but I can't stand the contractors attitude. They take over the area around the building site. They do all kinds of pollution. It's not just about regulations but more on enforcing such regulations. At he moment there are numerous construction sites around the island but no enforcement at all.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation